During the 2024 summer break from August 20 through 22, Mountlake Terrace High School held its first annual journalism camp for aspiring young journalists. The Junior J-Camp, as...
For three hours over three days, two groups of 6th, 7th and 8th graders gathered together to produce real journalism focused on their peers who were attending the annual STEM Camp...
The journalism program at Brier Terrace Middle School is not going to be offered to students next year.
Brier Terrace teacher Lindsey Shoults confirmed that journalism will not...
By Terina Papatu, Hawkeye Co-Editor-in-chief May 24, 2024
Big, loud, and bold is how Terrace’s Jazz Ensemble 1 performs. A week following Mountlake Terrace’s competion in the Newport High School Jazz Festival where they brought home...
Facing a $10.6 million budget deficit, the Edmonds School Board approved the reduced educational program on April 23 that will have far-reaching consequences for staff and students...
In the world of student journalism, the national high school journalism conventions are a massive opportunity for growth, learning, and community. Hosted semiannually by the Journalism...
Seattle has seen an extreme spike in fentanyl deaths since 2022, rising from 385 deaths recorded in 2021 to 1,079 deaths in 2023. This extreme spike is not unheard of in America....
Students of Edmonds School District are once again facing a lack of support with a change to the online summer school classes, which makes them inaccessible to most students. The...
Glitz, fame, and glamor. Many individuals dream of a life where their face is projected onto the big screen, and for 2004 Mountlake Terrace High School graduate Lily Gladstone,...