Each year, the typical letter from the editor for the back-to-school edition of the Hawkeye discusses change. However, this year is a time to reflect on how we’ve changed. This is the 60th anniversary of MTHS.
As we embark on the journey of our 2019-2020 school year, we associate the 2020 year with vision, specifically hindsight and foresight. This year, TEMPO will focus on compiling the history of our high school as well as producing the 60th yearbook of MTHS. I am proud to announce that the TEMPO yearbook team will produce the following three books: 60th-anniversary book, yearbook and spring supplement to the yearbook.
For our 60th anniversary book, we will focus on how the school has been shaped by its students and changed with the times. First built in 1960, Mountlake Terrace Senior High School was the second comprehensive high school in the Edmonds School District. Later, in 1991, the high school was remodeled into the building that we know now. This exclusive book will be produced by Hawks Student Media, which encompasses TEMPO, Hawkeye and Hawk Broadcast Network (HBN).
To embody the spirit of 2020, the yearbook theme for next year will be “Envision.” Envision defines this school year as a time to reflect and plan for the future. What actions can we take now to reach our envisioned goal? With all the changes our school is enduring, we will be exploring how people envision MTHS, especially with the school’s rebuilding coming soon.
If you would like to be in the 2020 yearbook or make sure that yearbook covers your event, you can tell us using #TellTempo or message us on social media.
With change comes opportunity, so I encourage students to join Hawks Student Media this year. You can pick from theTEMPO yearbook, Hawkeye newspaper and HBN. Joining Hawks Student Media is an excellent way to get to know your school while also learning about the different facets of journalism. This 2019-2020 year is an exciting time and a great opportunity for us to reconnect with our school’s history and previous traditions.
Happy 60th anniversary, MTHS! It’s our diamond anniversary, so let’s make this year sparkle.