Student: Aysha Raza
Mother’s Name: Nabeela Raza
Father’s Name: Mirza Awais
GPA: 3.0
Clubs & Activities: ASB- all four years (One year of Inter-high); U- all four years; FCCLA- all three years (President for current year); ASB- Freshman year Representative, Sophomore year Treasurer, Junior year Inter-high District Secretary, Senior year Executive Treasurer (Big 6)
Athletics: Freshman, Sophomore years-Varsity Tennis; Junior year- Varsity Tennis (Co-Captain); Senior year- Varsity Tennis (Captain)
Awards: Freshman Varsity Letter; Sophomore — FCCLA Participation, FCCLA Power of One, Varsity Letter; Junior — FCCLA Star Events Regional (got silver at regionals), FCCLA State Evaluator, FCCLA Humanitarian, ABS Participation, Varsity Letter
Community Service: Freshmen — Senior Center of Mountlake Terrace, Food Bank (Shoreline), TATU Presentations at elementary schools; Sophomore year- Food Bank (Shoreline), Cleaning up Terrace Creek Park a.k.a. Candy Cane Park, FCCLA Toiletry Drive (Housing Hope), Food Drive (Housing Hope) and TATU presentation for elementary school; Junior year- FCCLA Thanksgiving Basket (housing Hope), Toiletry Drive (Housing Hope), Blood drive, Operation Smile Wristband Drive, and TATU Presentations for elementary schools.
Future Educational Goals: Get a Bachelor’s degree in nursing and later on a doctorate in Pediatrics.
Future Career Goals: Nurse or anything in the medical field.
Anything else we should know? I was born in Pakistan and had to learn English. I speak four languages. I am very involved in school.
Student Name: Peter Kidane
Mother’s Name: Frewini Wubhen
Father’s Name: Yemane Araya
Clubs & Activities: ASB, Cross Country, Track, BSU
ASB: I’m the Executive ASB historian for my school. I not only do the job that I’m supposed to do, I also strive to be there for my fellow ASB members when it comes to things like assembly preparation and other things along those lines. Basically in a nutshell, we strive to be a better school as a whole.
Athletics: Cross country and track are my favorite sports. I’ve been working really hard to be a decent runner over the year and believe I can say confidently that I have achieved that.
Honors: I have been selected to be the Rotary Student of the Month.
Awards: I’ve been recognized as Most Improved for cross country, and something I’m very proud of as well as proud for my team is winning the WesCo 3A championship, which was no easy thing to do and something I take much pride in, too.
Community Service: Through ASB I have been given the chance to give back so much to the school and our community. Ways I’ve given back include: a food drive, cleaning parks and, when I was in middle school, volunteering my time at a local library.
Culminating Project: My culminating project will be about my application process to college.
Future Educational Goals: My dream is to go to a four-year university. Hopefully, I will be able to compete in running but if I can’t then this will be my last year running cross country.
Future Career Goals: I hope later on in life to be able to get a job in business.
Anything else we should know? I’m thankful that I was given this honor, thank you.