Thursday, Dec. 20, senior class president Grace Gil and ASB vice president John Moore announced in HBN the MTHS students who will rep the Terrace Idol 2013 competition in January.
There were about more than 30 students who tried out on Dec. 14, that took place in the choir room shortly after school.
13 students were chosen from MTHS:
- Elbethel Abebe, senior
- Katy Bodnar, junior
- Alisha Clingan, sophomore
- Alana Erkan, senior
- Alyssa Haynes, junior
- Sonja Head, senior
- Kyle Llarenas, freshman
- Harrison Mains, sophomore
- Chelsea Mueller, sophomore
- Lilianne Nguyen, junior
- Lucas Pope, senior
- Rebecca Prudnick, senior
- Senaiet Zerom, junior
Students from other high schools are also part of the contest, including:
- Auryana Ashoori
- Abby Martinez
- Emily Thorpe
- Taylor Shoemaker
- Thea Ocfemia
- Caitlin Yanos
- Franchesca Sandico
The first round is on Jan. 17; second round on Jan. 24; and final round on Jan. 30. Doors will be open at 7 p.m. and it costs $5 each show.
You can also RSVP on Facebook!
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Who will be crowned the Terrace Idol 2013?

The 13 contestants who got in for the Terrace Idol 2013 is posted in front of the HUB by the two staircase wings.