Over the summer, just as every summer, MTHS instrumental music instructor Darrin Faul busied himself with two weeks of band camp. The first week was open to all band students that reached to about 45 students. The second week was a bit more specific to jazz band students that reached about 30 students.
The first week was a partnership with the University of Washington with Tim Salzman, the band director, who joins and brings some of his students from a class, Rehearsal Techniques, to make a kind of workshop for them to get better at conducting.
It gave students the chance to work with a university professor and graduate students. There were other professionals that joined to help work with students in small groups on a specific instrument.
“The second week, we had two jazz bands happening, two big bands. Plus, again, small groups, combos. Kind of the same format, where I had professionals come out and work with students. And actually, we did a concert the Friday night of the first week, and the Friday night of the second week, and then, also on Saturday, we went to a jazz club called Tula’s, downtown. And we played there, too,” Faul said.
The weeks of band camp took place on August 8 through August 12, then the second week for the jazz band students was August 15 through August 19.
The bands had to learn completely new songs and new parts to do the very best they can at the concerts which turned out remarkably.
After finishing his summer band camp and concert, Faul acquired a student teacher, Ben Fowler.
Before coming to Terrace, Fowler went to the University of Washington for undergraduate studies and is in graduate school at Seattle Pacific University.
“I’ll be working with all the students during the day, well, for the entire year,” Fowler said as to what he will be doing this year to assist Faul with his teaching.
This means that from the first day of school to the last day of school of 2011 through 2012, Fowler will be helping all the students in band that need help with their music and instruments.
Summer sessions key for band
By Shannon Beaumont
November 15, 2011
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