Derik Nelson, a guitarist in the hit show Glee, is touring high schools on the west coast to raise money for arts and music programs and will be coming to MTHS Friday, Sep. 27, 2013.

Nelson has made six full length albums, two of which he completed before graduating high school, and has decided to go on tour to not only interact with his fans, but to raise $100,000; a portion of which, his goal being $2,000-$10,000, will be returned to the arts and music programs of each school he goes to.
“There’s no interest in funding arts and music programs anymore and it breaks my heart,” Derik Nelson said in his tour announcement video.
Knowing how hard it is to succeed in the arts and music industry, Nelson will be meeting with the arts students of each school to advise them on what to do to make it big.
“My team of industry professionals will come to your school and bring you an educational and inspirational master class assembly during the day, as well as a complete, full scale, live concert in your auditorium that evening, which will act as a fundraiser because a portion of the ticket sales will go right back to your school’s arts and music programs,” Nelson said in the video.
Gold tickets for the concert will be $25 and Silver tickets will be $20, then an additional $5 for a meet and greet immediately following the show backstage. Tickets will be available to buy before the show at the Red Onion in Mountlake Terrace starting Friday, Sep. 20 all the way through Thursday, Sep. 26, except for Tuesday, Sep. 24. Each day, the ticket sales will run from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. except Sunday, Sep. 22, the sales will run from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Before the show on Friday, Sep. 27 at 7:00 p.m., the tickets will also be for sale, but they are predicted to sell out quickly.
“I want to show people that to be successful; you have to be willing to take risks. Life’s not about playing it safe; life is about taking chances,” Nelson said.
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