New clubs were formed this year, including Technology Student Association (TSA), a club for students to work with all kinds of technology.
“TSA revolves around technology, so it’s a place where students can work on technological activities of their choice. There are multiple things you can do, multiple activities,” said freshman AsiaLee Donnelly.
Activities include website and dragster design, desktop publishing, film technology and flight challenge.
The adviser for TSA is Mark Burbank, but Nick Lencioni, Jim Matthews, Nalin Sood and Adam Welman will be helping with the club.
Every meeting, students will be allowed to work with different kinds of technology and learn how they operate, leading up to various competitions that will take place throughout the year.
Competitions include Dragster Design, Essays on Technology, Music production, Structural Engineering, Technology Problem Solving, and Video Game Design.
Multiple Program Initiatives in TSA are based on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science) is a Program Initiative in which students gather to learn and answer question about engineering.
TSA VEX Robotics Competition is a competition that teaches students more about STEM knowledge through current robotics learning.
UNITE is a summer program where students join in engineering careers, funded by U.S. Army Research Office.
Verizon Innovative App Challenge is available for students to create a mobile app that meets the expectations for their schools.
TSA gives students the opportunity to earn the William P. Elrod Memorial Scholarship and TSA “Teach Technology” Scholarship.
Students also have the opportunity to demonstrate their leadership skills, but they will need to go through Leadership Lessons and learn different skills including communication, critic thinking, ethics, problem solving and teamwork.