Throughout the four years spent here at Terrace, the class of 2024 has learned a lot. Having started their high school career during COVID, graduates have had anything but a normal school experience. Seniors spent their freshman year on Zoom calls, or masked up in school. Despite this, students have stuck through all the hard classes, annoying teachers, and annoying freshmen. Many seniors left an impact on those around them during their time at Terrace, and many others found their passions while at high school. Every single senior, even if they didn’t excel in the classroom or outside of it, simply didn’t want to go to school is loved here at Terrace, their presence here has changed those around them, and moving forward their impact at terrace will always be remembered.

The class of 2024 has served as a role model for all the students currently at Terrace. Whether it be by captaining a sports team, being the president of a school club, or simply just being there for friends and classmates, this year’s seniors will be greatly missed. As the new year starts remember, whether your heading to a new school in the fall, starting work, or taking a gap year, you’ve made it! The Class of 2024 has graduated. Despite everything, the class of 2024 will be moving onto bigger, better things, and will be leaving Terrace better than they found it.
To all those graduating this year, Terrace wishes you well on your journey past high school. Go Hawks!