MTHS students with a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance have the option to park in the student lot for the school year. However, each student must pay $50 for this privilege. As a sophomore, I can acquire a parking spot this year, but I question the process behind the fee.
The parking spots closest to the school are most desirable and fill up first. Assignments are first come first serve by grade. Seniors select first, followed by students in the lower grades.
Junior Andrew Daly mentioned that parking distribution by grade is just a matter of being patient. “It is fair,” he said. “Everyone will get the opportunity to pick a spot first their senior year. I had no problem and I got my parking spot later than most of my peers did.”
Parking costs are determined by schools individually, so the fee varies from school to school. For example, Edmonds-Woodway charges $60, whereas Everett High School charges only $40.
An issue for some people at MTHS is that the price is not prorated. Assuming a student purchases their parking permit at the start of the year, the cost is roughly $5 per month. But if a student only becomes eligible to drive in April, that cost is almost $17 per month. It is $50 regardless of the month a student requests it. While $50 may seem like a reasonable amount, it is due in full up front, and that may be difficult for some students who must also pay for gas and insurance. For students who can’t begin driving until later in the year, this may seem unfair.
To make on-campus parking more affordable and allow more students access to parking, students should have the option to pay the parking fee monthly.
This way, should students need to relinquish their spot for any reason, they would not be charged for remaining months. Not everyone may choose this option, but having option may open parking to additional students.
I believe the MTHS administration should consider this alternative approach and implement it at the start of school next fall.