It probably seemed like the day would never come. The last few weeks have been long and filled with the challenges of school work, senior project presentations, final exams.
But you are at the end of it all. The days of school “because you have to” are coming to a close and with this closing of one door comes the opening of another.
The door that is opened to you all is the door to the rest of your life and to world beyond the walls of MTHS and the community of Mountlake Terrace. I encourage you all to take that step and see what is on the other side of that door.
There is a wonderful world of opportunity that exists for each and every one of you.
This first milestone of graduation is simply a temporary stopping point on the way to much greater things that life holds in store. Whether it be going to college or heading off to join the military or going to work, you have in your hands the opportunity to make your life everything you ever imagined it could be.
Go out into the world and find your path, make your way, achieve your goals and realize your dreams. I know it sounds kind of corny, but it is really true—you are the master of you and your future.
Whatever happens to you from this point forward, make it what you want it to be. Life doesn’t happen to you. You make the choices and you control the direction, so make the choices you want and control the direction so that you are headed where you want to go.
I know, I know… pretty heavy stuff, right? Who wants to think about all this right now when really all you are thinking about is the celebration of graduation and the parties and gatherings afterward with family and friends?
And you should think about celebrating and really enjoying the next few weeks. That is what this time is truly about—a celebration of a wonderful accomplishment.
But at some point the celebrations end and we have to get back to reality and to focus on those very important next steps. Take some time to do that in the weeks that come and make sure you are pointed toward the destination you want for yourself.
I want to congratulate all of you seniors for a job well done. You have made it. I look forward to seeing you all at Graduation and I wish for each of you the very best that this life has to offer.
You should be very proud of what you have done and know that we are very proud to have known you and we look forward to seeing you in the years to come as you grow and mature into the amazing adults that we all know you will become.
Greg Schwab