Homecoming week came and went in a flash. Some may be sad that it’s over while others are relieved. Overall it was a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone.
From ASB’s standpoint we thought it went really well as far as the coronation ceremony, assembly, and dance. After homecoming, ASB had an evaluation. Overall we thought there was a lot of really good things to be proud but there were also some things that we thought could’ve gone better and that we need to work on.
To gain a better perspective we went around and asked individual students about their thoughts, opinions, and overall experience.
To start off homecoming week we had the coordination ceremony. The ceremony was very nice; there were elegant decorations courtesy of Mrs. Castleton and the orchestra played beautiful music. Junior homecoming prince Bryson Bruno said, “It went pretty smoothly, the handshakes and questions were funny. Although, I wish there was a bigger turnout of people that came and supported.”
Later in the week, on Friday, was the homecoming assembly which was very exciting. We got a lot of very good feedback from students as well as administration, teachers and parents. Senior Collin Rhodes said, “The assembly went really well, the band did a really good job of pumping everyone and the games were entertaining.” Later on Friday was the football game where the Hawks ruined the royals. It was really cool to see all the students and alumni coming together to cheer on the Hawks.
To end the week with a boom we had the homecoming dance on Saturday. Freshmen Nina and Ryan Berry said, “The dance was really fun, the music could’ve been a little bit better. Although it was a lot better than expected.” Selling over 600 tickets, we had half of our school at the dance which was amazing. It was so great to see everyone all dressed up and having a good time.
Throughout the week we had spirit days; Monday was ‘Merica Monday where you dress up patriotically. Then, Tuesday was #TransformationTuesday where you either transformed yourself into the past or the future. Next, Wednesday was Cartoon Day where you dressed up as your favorite cartoon character. After that, Thursday was Class Theme Day where the freshmen dressed up as Alice in Wonderland, the sophomores were Neverland, the juniors were the Wizard of Oz, and the seniors were Willy Wonka.
Lastly, Friday was Class Colors Day with freshmen wearing gray, sophomores white, juniors black and seniors red. It was fun to see the student body get spirited and dress up. The amount of people who dressed up was a little disappointing, so for next year we will work on making the days easier to dress up for, yet still creative.
Overall Homecoming 2014 was a success. It never gets old to see not only the student body come together, but the whole community. Senior Danny Roth’s thoughts on homecoming were, “It was pretty cool, like cooler than the other side of the pillow.” Thank you for making this year’s homecoming incredible.
Note: The Hawkeye provides the MTHS Associated Student Body space each issue in the Op/Ed section as part of our mission as a designated open public forum.