This year’s MTHS drama program musical “Sympathy Jones,” is set to play Jan. 15 through 18 at 7 p.m. in the MTHS Theater.
General Admission is $10 and $8 with ASB card, Senior Citizens, and children 13 and under to enjoy the performance.
Director Jeanie Brzovic said she was excited about the upcoming production of “Sympathy Jones.”
“It’s a spoof in the 1960’s spy genera. She [Sympathy Jones] tries to sneak in to a current case that’s going on. Its complex, there’s a lot going on all at once, which makes it really fun,” Brzovic said.
Preparation for the production began in Sept. 2013.
The “Sympathy Jones” cast has not only a script to memorize, but also 22 songs to learn and prepare for this upcoming performance.
The MTHS drama department’s first musical of the year, is expected to be, “a really good show for all ages,” junior Cassie Stires, starring as Sympathy Jones, said.