What’s the Hawkeye Bracket Challenge?
- The Hawkeye Bracket Challenge is a tournament between you and other Hawkeye readers to determine who can best predict the outcome of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. All you have to do is sign in, predict which teams are going to win their games in the upcoming NCAA tournament, and let the bragging and face-palming begin!
Are there prizes for having the best brackets?
- Well, it wouldn’t be much of a challenge if there were no prizes! So, here is a look at the swag that’s up for grabs for the top three finishers:
- FIRST PLACE: Bragging Rights for the next year + name & photo in the Hawkeye & online + your choice of some JAM SESSION goodies
- SECOND PLACE: Knowing that of all the losers, you came in first + name in the Hawkeye & online + a Vintage JAM SESSION T-shirt
- THIRD PLACE: name in the Hawkeye & online
Great! So how do I enter?
- Here’s how to enter the Hawkeye Bracket Challenge 2013:
- De******@ed*****.edu&userid=1_1701&targetid=&fl=&extra=MultivariateId=&&&2000&&&http://msn.foxsports.com/fantasy/collegebasketball/tourney/join/?invitation=1681&password=%40MTHSports” target=”_blank”>Click here to join the Hawkeye’s group now! If you do not already have an account on foxsports.com then click the signup button and create a free account following the instructions on screen. If you already have an account then just login to it.
- You will be taken to the create entry page for your entry where you will be asked about your entry name, your display name, and options about receiving emails. You must make either your entry name or display name your actual name so we can contact the winners.
- On the entry page, where it says Group Password, type in the password @MTHSports.
- When finished with your entry info, click Create Entry.
- On or after the date of Selection Sunday (3/17/13) make your predictions on winning teams.
- Already have a foxsports.com account? Just use the following information to search for and join the Hawkeye’s group:
- Group Name: TheHawkeye2013
- Group Password: @MTHSports
- In order to be eligible for the prizes, you MUST fill out and submit the form below.
- The Hawkeye Bracket Challenge is free and easy to play.
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