As the new school year begins, the best thing students can do is to become prepared and get an early start.
First and foremost, students should build a good work ethic. Learning how to develop a strong work ethic would be starting assignments early, executing on deadlines, and establishing a healthy sleeping schedule (most teens need about eight and a half to more than nine hours of sleep each night).
It’s quite straightforward: start early on assignments so that your grade won’t be dragged down by late work, incomplete assignments or lost hours of sleep.
“It’s really important that especially when you start high school that you manage deadlines and that you stay on top of homework,” Principal Greg Schwab said.
Another good approach to a good year is to establish a favorable relationship with teachers by being friendly (even if that means being a suck-up), and completing your work while being active in class. Making a good impression on teachers the first week is important because being on a teacher’s good side can make or break your grade.
Also, be sure to have each of your teacher’s emails and make an effort to message them on a weekly basis concerning class work and questions.
Seniors and juniors should be aware that college is close, so put time and effort into spending time out of school to research and apply to college. Then, when the time comes in June, you can get your diploma knowing that you have a plan.
Be sure to study and practice for the SATs and ACTs as well. Many colleges, such as the UW, look at the scores you received, which either helps or destroys your potential for acceptance.
“I think it’s really important that you do some sort of prep course, whether it’s an online training course or even taking a practice test multiple times. Those are really helpful things to do,” Schwab said.
Underclassmen need to understand that you still have a lot of work ahead of you and lying on the couch playing Xbox won’t get the job done, so practice good habits and be stanch towards your school work.
“The number one reason why we see 9th graders struggle in school is because they don’t do their homework, and if you simply did your homework everyday and turned it on time, that would be a huge help,” Schwab said.
If you are involved in athletics or clubs, don’t let extra curricular activities hold you back. As long as you set aside time, dedicate yourself, and keep the right mind set, you should be able to keep your grades up and still be actively involved in your high school.
Put school first; incorporate a schedule where you are able to balance school and your after school activities. Don’t over load yourself with too many activities. Start to gradually join clubs or athletics only when you are academically stable.
“We think it’s important that you be involved, but you also have to manage your time really well and making sure you set aside time each night to get your homework done, and make sure you know when your deadlines are,” said Schwab.
Using a planner, is an easy and useful way to keep tabs on upcoming dates such as exam dates. Planners keep you updated, organized, and help you coordinate your schoolwork and after school clubs and activities. MTHS wants you to be involved.
Don’t launch off the new year being a couch potato. Invest your time and efforts into school now, so you may see it turn into something bigger in the future.