As the month of October crawls into view, many people are overjoyed by the upcoming festivities they love so dearly. Halloween, festivals, or taking in the scenery, most people can easily find joy in the fall season. For a lot of people, that joy can be found in fun costumes that bring so much beauty and creativity to the season! However.. With that beauty also comes the not so hot.
So what are some of the students’ proclaimed best or worst costumes they’ve seen over the years? There are some really bad ones that seem to fly around often.

Overrated, uncreative or just outright weird. The character being bad in general also has a play in how bad it is.
In reference to a “Karen” costume, staff member Jonathan Schaeffer said, “I just don’t think it’s a very imaginative costume and I think people can do better.”
Agreed! That’s quite unoriginal. What that entails is a real question: What is the worst Halloween costume? Obviously, cultural appropriation is always thrown in as an answer there.
“The worst Halloween costume I’ve seen is this really cheap, fake Moana costume that a white teen was wearing. That’s the worst one I’ve ever seen,” junior Soot Pederson said. Now that must have been a not so majestic princess! On a more serious note, the majority of the time those are terrible costumes.
Moving on from all those negatives, there’s always those really rad costumes you can spot! People like to get real creative with materials and characters if they have the right amount of time and planning! Couples costumes can always be fun, or going solo if you don’t have a buddy to take with you! Arguably, the best couples costumes are always obscure.
“Definitely this couples costume – somebody was a box of tampons and somebody was blood and I think that was definitely the best couples costume I’ve ever seen,” sophomore Sabin Metallo said. Now that’s creative, how cute!
Alana Gillespie senior in regards to both best and worst costumes stated, “Probably the best costume I’ve seen was something related to ‘Star Wars’. And the worst was in elementary school and people dressed as sun and rain clouds.”
They are kids, but that’s when you’re supposed to use your imagination! If that isn’t totally tubular already, why not a costume that you’d think is more suitable for summer?
“Best [costume] would be a surfboard and a surfer. They made a surfboard out of cardboard and they’d wear it and lay down on a skateboard and the surfer would stand on them for a picture,” alumna Katie Gilchrist said. Who wouldn’t love to see that? Free entertainment!

One popular trend for homecoming is mini skirts! The mini skirt was invented in 1963, when it first appeared in London’s Bazaar boutique shop. Mary Quant, the designer of the skirt, was rebellious. She was inspired by fashion she saw on the street and decided to move the hemline of her skirts several inches above the knee and the iconic skirt was born!

Barbie: Of course Barbie is not only popular for homecoming dresses, but also for Halloween costumes! You can don all pink from head to toe. You can wear any shade of pink, any piece of pink clothing, and pink accessories! You can be anything with Barbie! Doctor Barbie, Weird Barbie, President Barbie, Scientist Barbie are just a few out of the millions of ideas that you dress up for Barbie
Hawkeye© Credits: FASHION WRITER- Mylin Nguyen, PHOTOGRAPHER-Efrata Solomon, MODEL & EDITOR-Halle Connell, GRAPHIC ARTIST & SPOOKY HOT ARTICLE – Charli Gilchrist