If you find yourself starring into the abyss in the middle of class only to be brought back to reality when you hear your teacher tell you to get started on a project, and you realize you missed the instructions? Here are some tips to help the students of MTHS stay focused.
Get a Good Nights Sleep: Beginning at age 10 people need about 9 to 9 1/2 hours of sleep each night until they reach adulthood. When someone gets enough sleep they are less likely to feel tired or fall asleep in class. They are able to get things done quicker, including schoolwork.
Eat a Healthy Breakfast: By this age students usually know that they need to have a well balanced diet, however only 38% of Americans eat breakfast on a regular basis. When students eat a healthy breakfast, as opposed to an unhealthy breakfast or no breakfast, they are less likely to feel hungry in class or have a “sugar crash” later. They are also able to stay focused better.
Avoid Sitting with Friends: If you don’t sit next to your friends in class then you are going to talk less and get more work done. While it may be tempting to sit next to your friends it is definitely a wise choice not to. Also, when it comes to choosing partners for projects it is good idea to choose a person that you know is a good worker and will make you do your share.
Rid Yourself of Any Other Distractions: In today’s world of technology many of our distractions in class are electronic. While you are in class turn off your phone; you don’t need to constantly be texting friends. Also, not listening to your iPod will help you pay attention to your teacher.
Look at Your Teacher and Make Eye Contact: If you are paying attention to your teacher you are more likely to do well in school. Make eye contact with your teacher to let them know you are listening.
Know Your Objectives: Know what you are doing or what you want to get out of the class. You can also make small goals to help you reach larger ones. For example, turn in all missing assignments to get a higher grade.
Take Notes: When a teacher is giving a lecture make sure to take notes, also when reading a textbook. You can use these notes to study for a test later.
Get Involved in Class Discussions: When the class is having a discussion make sure to get involved by making comments and asking others questions. This will help you be more successful and many teachers give out participation points for this.
Ask Questions: If you don’t understand something, ask for help so you don’t fall behind. Don’t be afraid to ask a question because, chances are someone else has the same question. Don’t feel like your teacher doesn’t have time for you.
Do Your Best: Now that we’re in high school it is up to the students to be responsible to do their work and get good grades. If effort is not put into an assignment it will definitely affect the grade.
Visualize Your Future: Going to college is a must for most jobs people aspire to have and good grades are a must for college. Imagining ones future is a great way to self motivate.