“New year, new me.” You have probably heard this a lot since New Year’s, especially from your friend that just got their heart broken by their significant other on Christmas.
Don’t mind them though, they’ll get better. I mention this to inform you all that this year, ASB is going to update their Constitution!
You have probably seen the mass amounts of emails being sent to you and maybe overheard your classmates talking about it. The biggest update is that Running Start students can participate in ASB, as long as they are in four classes during the school day, and that softball is now a sport that can get varsity awards (upon approval)!
The reason we chose to update the Constitution is because it was sixteen years old and out of date, and this year we had an Executive ASB position that was vacant and were unable to interpret what we needed to do. I hope you all check your emails and read over it sometime soon. If you have any questions or concerns you can email me or attend our next ASB meeting when we will be approving the newly amended Constitution, Jan. 31 in the theater during PASS. Have a great day Hawks