Bellevue College is hosting the College Planning Day on Tuesday, March 29th, at which students can go to their campus and attend four presentations by college representatives. It will be held from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m., though sign in starts at 8:30 a.m.
Targeted towards juniors and sophomores who are already thinking about college, College Planning Day will provide an opportunity to learn about Washington’s colleges and universities, as well as get a look into the college application process. Anyone interested may sign up in the career center by March 21st with a permission slip filled out.
During the event, students will have the opportunity to go to four different workshops. These can apply to applying for college, what college is like, and more.
College Planning Day ends at 12 p.m., but students who attend will be taken to UW Bothell for lunch and a private tour and presentation, according to MTHS Career Specialist Barbara Brister. Brister said that this makes the field trip even more valuable because students will get to be on two different college campuses in one day.
“You just hear the word ‘college’. If you don’t have anyone in your family who knows about that, or you’ve never set foot on a campus, you can’t visualize it and don’t think it’s for you,” Brister said.
Brister said that one year, attendees received a quick tour of the UW, and one student told her that he thought he had found a place where he could see himself in the future.
“The goal is to inform students about all aspects of college planning. Some kids don’t have a frame of reference from their families or parents… they don’t know what to ask,” said Brister. “This is an opportunity to get the information from people who are really knowledgeable in the field, from college representatives. It’s an opportunity to get on campus and see a college campus because a lot of kids have never done that.”
She continued, saying that College Planning Day is all about generating new interest and creating awareness for college. Once students have those ideas, they can take advantage of the resources at MTHS.
MTHS has participated in College Planning Day for several years, continually bringing a bus full of students.