As the school year begins, we are all adjusting to the “back-to-school” scene whether it be a new environment with new people, a new set of classes, a whole new sleep schedule, or a combination of the three.
For the class of 2016, with this beginning holds its own bundles of emotions.
It’s our last year before technical adulthood, before we all go down our own paths. There’s excitement and there’s also a hint of dread.
For the other members of executive ASB and I, it’s no different. After six days at Mount Triumph and truly taking in all the teachings that the advisors there had for us, we are more motivated than ever to make sure that this last ride for us and this year for all of you is the most inclusive and welcoming as well as the most fun and exciting year ever.
We want to go out with the proverbial “bang.” At the end of the roller coaster ride that is high school, for all of us, all we leave here are our legacies, however big or small, all unique in their own ways.
Big 6 and I want to leave a footprint that is, dare I say, bigger than any of our predecessors.
ASB stands for Associated Student Body.
We are nothing if we aren’t serving you, the student body.
That’s why more than ever, we want to establish an atmosphere of involvement and a culture of pride and school involvement.
We want to be given feedback by you, the student body, as well.
We want you to approach us and tell us what was good and what was bad about Homecoming, the assemblies, and anything else that we have planned. We want to create an atmosphere that makes it easy for all of you to approach us and have a conversation with us.
We will happily take your suggestions into account while also taking note of all your criticisms.
We want the assemblies to be full of hype and excitement. We want the dances to be as fun as can be. We want to have a helping hand in making your high school years be as memorable as can be.
However, we can’t do that without your feedback.
I know that approaching us may be intimidating because some of our resting faces may look a little mean, but I promise that we’re nice and that we don’t bite.
Knowing well that it’s our last year also has us thinking of the future.
We want to leave the school in great hands after we part our separate ways.
We want to ensure that the future leaders of this school who are going to follow our footsteps are ready and have learned from our mistakes and shortcomings as well as our triumphs and accomplishments.
Not only that, we want to bring out the leadership potential in all of us.
We want people to get involved. It doesn’t have to be ASB. It can be anything.
We want people to find their niche and truly draw out all that the school offers them as students, but also allow all students, clubs and other organizations draw out the fullest in all of us as well.
With these goals come lofty expectations.
If we can accomplish them, this year in and of itself will have that Disney perfect happy ending that everybody loves.