We all know him as the guy in the wheelchair, but there’s more about senior Bryan Wyss that you may not know. He is one of Terrace’s most inspirational students.
Living in a wheelchair is not easy, and even sometimes it takes him a while to do things, Wyss positively said, “It’s really easy to maneuver. People here are really nice. They respect you if you are in a wheelchair.”
He served as the men’s basketball manager for three years from his freshman to junior year. He was the one in charge of keeping stats, and managing the clock and practices.
This year, he joined the track and field team and qualified for the 3A men’s state championships. He finished third in the 3A men’s wheelchair javelin throw with a toss of 16 ft. 8 in. He enjoyed going to a lot of different schools and meeting different people besides his team. “Track was really fun,” Wyss said, “I got to build a lot of friendships. It was a great experience.”
Wyss is going to the VOICE program (Vocational Opportunities In Community Experiences) for three years until he’s 21. This program provides comprehensive instruction and vocational experiences to prepare students for adult life. Students in this program also receive assistance in career exploration, job search, job applications, and interviewing skills. After this program, he will attend Edmonds Community College.
For his culminating project, he job shadowed a librarian at Mountlake Terrace Elementary School.
Besides school and sports, his hobbies include going on the computer, watching movies, playing games, and he also enjoys reading sometimes.
His favorite experiences in school are something that most students don’t usually appreciate. Wyss likes going to school everyday, meeting new friends, and learning different things.
As an advice for the upcoming freshmen, Wyss said, “Just do your work, stay busy, [and] have a great time because it will be over before you know it.”
“I’m going to miss talking to my friends, going to different classes, and mostly the assemblies. They are so fun,” Wyss commented.
Wyss is sure one to be missed by the whole student body by his optimism and kind presence.