The first phase of the restoration of Kayak Park was completed in the late 2007, and entailed geomorphic assessments used to support the development of three conceptual beach and backshore restoration designs. A final design would be chosen and completed to a 30% and 100% stage in the second phase. Recently Coastal Geologic Services was asked by the county to amend second phase to include an assessment of the potential impacts of sea level rise. CGS finished a restoration design earlier in 2010. The design included the removal of a portion of the bulkhead, relocating the existing road landward, installing a storm term to duplicate natural process and facilitate sediment transport processes, and guidelines for restoring the backshore area with native plants. In March 2010, the second of two ‘Visioning Workshops’ were held to gather public input on three redevelopment design options. From this workshop, two conceptual designs options were proposed. One design includes a barrier lagoon and the other does not have this lagoon. There’s either going to be a grassy plain or a lagoon that flows into the body of water. There has been no major decisions so far about if there is going to be a lagoon or not.
Kayak Point Park restoration
By Nathan Koplitz
April 18, 2012
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