When I was in grade school, I wanted be a fireman. When I was in middle school, I took this personality inventory and my score suggested that I should be a park ranger. When I went to college at the University of Oregon, I changed my major about four times, eventually getting my Bachelor’s Degree in English.
After what could only be described as a VERY brief career in the NFL (my friend described it as having a cup of coffee with the San Diego Chargers), I found my way into the classroom as an English teacher. From there I became an athletic director, assistant principal and principal. And I thought I was going to be a fireman…
This edition of the Hawkeye features stories about alums who have gone on to do great things after high school. I share this with you to get you thinking now about what your plans are after high school.
One of the most important decisions you will make in these next few years is what to do after high school. I’m sure that the answer to this question for many of you is go to college. Going to a four year or two year college after high school is a good plan and one that I endorse for anyone who asks. In fact, my goal for every student in our school is that you have the option to go to college when you graduate. But notice that I said “option.”
I recognize that my path from high school may not be the one that is right for everyone else. What’s important to me is that you have the option to go. More important to me, however, is that you have some kind of plan for your post-high school years.
What are those plans? What is there besides college? That is what we hope to help you figure out in these next few years. There are many choices for you in the years after high school—work, trade school, military, volunteer experiences, and college programs. Your job in these next few years is to make sure you know what those programs are and that you find yourself headed in the direction that you want to go.
Can you go to work right out of high school? I’m pretty sure you can. Can you find yourself in a career right out of high school? Most likely not. Finding that path after high school that gets you prepared for a career is critical. What can you do now to help make this happen? Talk to your counselor. Talk to teachers. Talk to your parents. A lot of adults have done this already and have some pretty good tips on how to navigate the years after high school. But whatever you do, start planning now. One day, we’ll be featuring you in an edition of the Hawkeye!
Note: The Hawkeye provides the MTHS Administration space each issue in the Op/Ed section as part of our mission as a designated open public forum.